
Builders Choose Baker

We take great pride in what we do. We've built strong relationships with five generations of customers. Baker Lumber is committed to understanding your needs. We work with you to formulate product specifications and increase your competitiveness.

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Baker Lumber stocks everything you need to complete your project. We make every effort to locally source our products and deliver your supplies right to your job site.



One generation to the next

Meet the Baker Team

Nada Edson

Co-owner | President
Chief of Almost Everything (CAE)

Liam Noonan

Yard Worker
Second Shift Samurai

Casey Cooper

Driver | Yardman
Wood Optimizer

Annie Baker

Co-owner | Vice President
Chief of Everything Else (CEE)

Lucas McFadden

Office Manager | Sales Rep
Versatexpert Alchemist

Brendan Kelly

Head of Dust Police

Dick Baker

Steward of Facilities

Josh DeGryse

Yard Manager | Sales Rep
VP of Ninjaneering

Jeff Bandstra

Driver | Yardman
Cellulose Products Transfer Engineer

Bruce Baker

Steward of Continuity
Wood Wizard

Jeff Poel

Driver | Yardman
Chief Mischief Officer


Security | Hospitality Director


News and events


Makin’ Headlines

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